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Vikidia:Tech/Call for proposals/Kartographer

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Context[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Extension Kartographer is installed on our Mediawiki 1.31 but it is not working, because the tile servers of WMF are blocked for external wikis.

Challenge[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

Find a way to display Open Street Maps on all Vikidia, in all languages.

If other tile servers are available, check with us for pricing and conditions. Expensive tile servers are not an option.

NB: due to budget limitations, we might not run our own tile servers. Or challenge is to find a way to do it at low technical cost.

Deliverable[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • A merge request respecting general coding guidelines
  • Deployed on a test server (provided by Vikidia), where we can validate the fix
  • A procedure to deploy it in production, if needed

Comments[modifier | modifier le wikicode]

  • Unknown complexity. Might be very easy if you find the right tile servers, url and configuration. It may also probably very hard to find perfectly working tile servers, in all languages.