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Note : après avoir enregistré tes préférences, tu devras forcer le rechargement complet du cache de ton navigateur pour voir les changements. Mozilla Firefox / Safari : maintiens la touche Majuscule (Shift) en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser (Reload) ou presse Maj-Ctrl-R (Maj-Cmd-R sur Apple Mac) ; Internet Explorer / Opera : maintiens la touche Ctrl en cliquant sur le bouton Actualiser ou presse Ctrl-F5.

* This script adds a tab which allows a mass patrolling on the current page. Because it was pointless to mark as patrolled 10 intermediate versions when we can read the difference between the first and the last

var totalRevisions;
var treatedRevisions = 0;

if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') >= 0) {
  mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'oojs-ui' ], function() {
    mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', 'javascript:markAllAsPatrolled()', 'Smart patrol', 'ca-smartpatrol' );
    //mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-views', 'javascript:markAllAsPatrolled()', 'Smart patrol', 'ca-smartpatrol2', 'Tout marquer comme relue', '', 'ca-history' );
  } );

function markAllAsPatrolled() {
  new OO.ui.confirm('Êtes-vous sur de vouloir marquer comme relue toutes les modifications ?').then( function( response ) {
    if ( response === true ) {
  } );

function getRevisionsList() {
  var api = new mw.Api();
  api.get( {
	'action': 'query',
	'format': 'json',
	'prop': 'revisions',
	'titles': mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
	'formatversion': '2',
	'rvprop': 'ids|user',
	'rvlimit': 'max'
  } ).then( function ( data ) {
    var revisions = data.query.pages[ 0 ].revisions;
    //var user = revisions[ 0 ].user;
    totalRevisions = revisions.length;
    revisions.forEach( function ( revision ) {
      //if ( user === revision.user ) {
        markRevAsPatrolled( revision.revid );
    } );

  } ).fail( function ( error ) {
      mw.notification.notify( 'Something went wrong: ' + error, { title: 'Smart Patrol', type: 'error' } );
  } );

function markRevAsPatrolled( revid ) {
  var api = new mw.Api();
  api.postWithToken( 'patrol', {
	'action': 'patrol',
	'revid': revid

  } ).then( function ( info ) {
    console.log( 'Success for ' + revid, { title: 'Smart Patrol', type: 'info' } );
    if ( totalRevisions == treatedRevisions ) { window.location.reload(); }

  } ).fail( function ( error ) {
    console.log( 'Something went wrong: ' + error, { title: 'Smart Patrol', type: 'error' } );
  } );

/* if (window.location.href === "") {
/* Résumé Deluxe.
 * Ajoute des commentaires de modification prédéfinis
 * Auteur : Dake
 * Contributions : Pabix, Tieno, Ltrlg, Rififi
 * Dépendances :
 *  — les habituelles implicites 'mediawiki' & 'jquery' ;
 *  — 'user' (chargement du common.js).
 * {{Projet:JavaScript/Script|ResumeDeluxe}}
 * Licence CC-BY-SA 3.0 ( Source: MediaWiki:Gadget-ResumeDeluxe.js (
mw.loader.using( 'user', function () {
		/* Vérifier la présence d’un titre de section.
		 * Cela permet de n’ajouter un séparateur ' , ' entre deux résumés que si
		 * nécessaire.
		 * Note : on ne vérifie que le fait que le motif est en fin de chaîne, pas
		 * en début.
		sansPointVirgule = /\*\/\s*$/,
		/* La liste des liens qui seront affichés.
		 * Les éléments du tableau sont d’une des deux formes suivantes :
		 *   — [ 'lien' , 'resume' ]
		 *   — 'texte'
		 * où 'lien' représente l’intitulé du lien, 'resume' le résumé d’édition
		 * inséré par le lien et 'texte' les deux à la fois.
		listeLiens = [
			[ 'portail', 'ajout de portail(s)' ],
			[ 'interwiki', 'rajout d\'interwikis' ],
			['image','rajout image'],
			'mise en forme',
			[ 'redirection',"création d\'une redirection"],
			[ 'homonymie', 'création d\'une page d\'homonymie ' ],
			[ 'bandeau', 'ajout de bandeau(x)' ],
			[ 'MàJ', 'mise à jour' ],
			[ 'SI' , 'Supression immédiate' ],
			["Info","Rajout d\'info"],
			'retouche de la modification précédente',
		/* Liens affichés par défaut, même format que listeLiens. */
		liensParDefaut = [],
		/* Objet permettant de désactiver des liens (parmi la liste par défaut
		 * ci-avant), sous la forme { 'lien1': false, 'lien2': false, ... } où
		 * 'lien1', 'lien2'... est l’intitulé du lien à ne pas afficher.
		liensAffiches = window.ResumeDeluxe_affiches || {},
		/* Objet jQuery contenant l’<input> ou le <textarea> constituant le résumé. */
		/* Objet jQuery contenant la liste de liens. */
	/* Fonction renvoyant l’intitulé d’un lien à partir de sa représentation sous
	 * forme de tableau ou de chaîne.
	function texteDuLien( definition ) {
		if ( $.isArray( definition ) ) {
			return definition[0];
		} else {
			// Soyons sûr d’avoir une chaîne de caractères
			return definition.toString();
	/* Fonction renvoyant le texte ajouté par un lien à partir de sa représentation
	 * sous forme de tableau ou de chaîne.
	function resumeAInserer( definition ) {
		if ( $.isArray( definition ) ) {
			return definition[1];
		} else {
			// Soyons sûr d’avoir une chaîne de caractères.
			return definition.toString();
	/* Procédure appliquant les préférences de l’utilisateur :
	 *   — si l’utilisateur a défini window.ResumeDeluxe_liens, celui-ci est utilisé
	 *     à la place de la liste par défaut liensParDefaut ;
	 *   — sinon si l’utilisateur a défini window.ResumeDeluxe_affiches, les règles
	 *     de désactivation sont appliquées ;
	 *   — sinon liensAffiches est un objet vide, donc la liste par défaut est
	 *     utilisée.
	function appliquerConfiguration() {
		var i, cle;
		if ( $.isArray( window.ResumeDeluxe_liens ) ) {
			listeLiens = window.ResumeDeluxe_liens;
		} else {
			for ( i = 0; i < liensParDefaut.length; i++ ) {
				cle = texteDuLien( liensParDefaut[i] );
				if ( liensAffiches[cle] !== false ) {
					listeLiens.push( liensParDefaut[i] );
	/* Procedure effectuant l’ajout d’une chaîne au résumé d’édition, avec un
	 * séparateur si besoin
	function ajouterAuResume( chaine ) {
		var resumeActuel = $resume.val();
		if ( resumeActuel === '' ) {
			$resume.val( chaine );
		} else if ( sansPointVirgule.test( resumeActuel ) ) {
			$resume.val( resumeActuel + chaine );
		} else {
			$resume.val( resumeActuel + ', ' + chaine );
		// L’ÉditeurVisuel ne se base plus sur le contenu mais sur l’évènement
		// Conserver le focus sur le lien est inutile à l’utilisateur
		// Plaçons-le sur le champ de résumé, s’il veut compléter à la main
	/*  Fonction renvoyant un lien à partir de sa définition. */
	function $lien( definition ) {
		var resume = resumeAInserer( definition );
		return $( '<a>' )
			.text( texteDuLien( definition ) )
			.attr( {
				href: '#',
				title: 'Ajouter «\xA0' + resume + '\xA0» au résumé de modification'
			} )
			.click( function () {
				ajouterAuResume( resume );
				return false;
			} );
	/* Procédure construisant la liste de liens. */
	function contruireListe() {
		var i, $ul;
		$ul = $( '<ul>' )
			.addClass( 'liste-horizontale' )
			.css( {
				display: 'inline',
				margin: 0
			} );
		for( i = 0; i < listeLiens.length; i++ ) {
			$ul.append( $( '<li>' ).append( $lien( listeLiens[i] ) ) );
		$cont = $( '<div>' ).attr( 'id', 'ResumeDeluxe' )
			.text( 'Messages prédéfinis\xA0: ' )
			.append( $ul );
	/* Procédure initialisant $resume et insérant la liste de liens dans le cas de
	 * l’éditeur de wikicode, quand les nœuds nécessaires sont en place.
	function demarrer_wikicode() {
		$( document ).ready( function () {
			$( '#wpSummaryLabel' ).before( $cont );
			$resume = $( '#wpSummary' );
		} );
	/* Procédure initialisant $resume et insérant la liste de liens dans le cas de
	 * l’ÉditeurVisuel, quand les nœuds nécessaires sont en place.
	function demarrer_EditeurVisuel() {
		mw.hook( 've.saveDialog.stateChanged' ).add( function () {
			 * Traitement : si le dialogue a été recréé, on y remet ce qu’il faut.
			 * TODO Vérifier si cette vérification est encore nécessaire.
			if ( $( '#ResumeDeluxe' ).length < 1 ) {$editSummaryLabel.after( $cont );
				$resume =$input;
		} );
	/* Procédure qui détermine quel éditeur peut être utilisé et démarre le gadget 
	 * selon le résultat.
	function demarrer() {
		switch ( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ) ) {
			case 'edit':
			case 'submit':
				// Désactivé pour la création de sections
				if ( ! /(\?|&)section=new(&|$)/.test( ) ) {
				// L’EV peut démarrer de ces modes sans rechargement
				/* falls through */
			case 'view':
	/***** Démarrage du tout *****/
	// Lecture des préférences
	// Construction de la liste des liens
	// Insère la liste dans l’arbre des nœuds et cherche le nœud contenant le résumé
 * Outils pour réverter
 * Fournit des liens dans les pages de diff pour révoquer facilement une modification et avertir son auteur.
 * License : CC-BY-SA-4.0,
 * Source : dernière version : ; origine :
 * Auteurs : dernière version : ; origine : Lorian (en-wp), Chphe (fr-wp), avant la version 109676406 de Dr. Brains
mw.loader.using(['mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'mediawiki.notify'], function () {
	if (typeof window.RevertDiff === 'undefined' && location.href.match(/diff=/)) { //We're not already launched AND we're on a diff
		window.RevertDiff = true;//We're alive !

		//Some params.
		var RevertDiffParams = {
			 * Defines the available warns, in the template Averto on the french Vikidia (
			 * The type is the template's parameter type, the title is the title of the section, the MaxLevel is the maximum level ("niveau=") available for that type.
			 * The Page is the template's Page. Automatically put, it is set to true if available for all levels or set to the max level where it is allowed.
			 * UserTalkPage tells that we need to return in parameter Page, if we're on a talk page, the page owner's username.
			AvailableWarns: {
				Global: {Type: "global", Title: "Ta modification a été annulée", MaxLevel: 5, Page: 1},
				Copyvio: {Type: "copyvio", Title: "Violation de copyright", MaxLevel: 2, Page: 1},
				Encyclo: {Type: "encyclo", Title: "Vikidia est une encyclopédie", MaxLevel: 3},
				Polite: {Type: "politesse", Title: "Politesse", MaxLevel: 3, UserTalkPage: true},
				Preview: {Type: "prévisualisation", Title: "Merci de [[Aide:Prévisualisation|prévisualiser]]", MaxLevel: 1, Page: true},
				Deleted: {Type: "SI", Title: "Article supprimé", MaxLevel: 1, Page: true},
				Spam: {Type: "spam", Title: "Spam", MaxLevel: 2, Page: 1},
				ShockVandalism: {Type: "vandalisme choquant", Title: "[[Vikidia:Vandalisme|Vandalisme]] choquant", MaxLevel: 3, Page: 2},
				Wp: {Type: "wp", Title: "Copie de wp", UserTalkPage: true},

			BlockFrom: 2, //From which level (NON included) the warn template alerts the user that he will be blocked. Will require block permissions to apply it.

			GroupBlock: "sysop", //Who can block ? (put the minimum group, if there is more, you may need to edit userIs to allow arrays)
			GroupNoLimitMsg: "sysop", //Who doesn't have any limit in posting messages ?

			MaxMsgNonInGroup: 2, //How many msgs a user not in GroupNoLimitMsg can post

			MsgPosted: 0, //How many messages were posted. Logically we start at 0.

			 * The predevined warns available. Name will be displayed in the button, Type represents the index in AvailableWarns, Level the level of the warn used.
			 * If you wish to add a predefined warn which is uses a level superior than the block level, plese check whether the user can block (userIs(GroupBlock)) before generating the buttons.
			PredefinedWarns: [
				{Name: "Averto 0", Type: "Global", Level: 0},
				{Name: "Averto 1", Type: "Global", Level: 1},
				{Name: "Averto 2", Type: "Global", Level: 2},
				{Name: "Copyvio 0", Type: "Copyvio", Level: 0},
				{Name: "Politesse 0", Type: "Polite", Level: 0},
				{Name: "Spam 0", Type: "Spam", Level: 1},
				{Name: "Spam 1", Type: "Spam", Level: 2},
				{Name: "Aerto-wp", Type: "Copie de wp", Level: 2},

			Texts: {
				NoRestore: "Tu ne peux pas restaurer.",
				Restore: "Restaurer",
				RestoreConfirm: 'Restaurer les modifications de $0 ?',
				RestoreGGBtn: "C'est fait !",
				RestoreGGNotif: "L'ancienne modification a été restaurée avec succès !",
				RestoreNoChange: "Aucun changement effectué.",
				RestorePutReason: "Raison",
				RestoreReasonPrompt: 'Indique ici la raison :',
				RestoreSummary: 'Restauration (retour à la version de [[Special:Contributions/$0|$0]]).',
				Restoring: "Restauration...",

				Patrolling: "Marquage de la révision comme relue…",

				BlockReminder: "Pense à bloquer l'utilisateur ;-)",
				MaxWarnTrig: "Tu as déjà déposé le nombre maximum de messages autorisés.",
				MsgAlreadyPost: "Attention, tu as déjà déposé $0 message(s) à $1. En déposer un autre ?",
				MsgGG: "Message déposé !",
				SendingMsg: "Envoi du message...",
				Warn: "Déposer un avertissement",
				WarnConfirm: "Déposer un message à l'utilisateur $0 ?",
				WarnPredefined: "Déposer un avertissement prédéfini : ",
				WarnSubmit: "Avertir",
				Welcome: "Bienvenuter",

				ItsYou: "C'est toi !",
				OuchError: "Aïe aïe aïe… ",

				ErrorInternal: "erreur interne.",
				ErrorEditFail: "échec de la modification.",

				EditFailErrCode: "Code de l'erreur : ",
				'EditFail-abusefilter-disallowed': "Un filtre anti-abus a empêché la modification.",
				'EditFail-abusefilter-warning': "Un filtre anti-abus demande à ce que tu confirmes ton action en la répétant.",
				'EditFail-default': "La page n'est peut-être pas modifiable pour toi.",
				'EditFail-protectedpage': "La page est protégée.",
				'EditFail-undofailure': "Conflit d'édition."

			//To put a welcome message. Title is section's, MsgUser/MsgIp msg for respectively a registred user and an IP.
			Welcome: {
				Title: "Bienvenue !",
				MsgUser: '{{subst:Bienvenue|' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '}} ~~~~',
				MsgIP: '{{subst:Bienvenue IP|' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '}} ~~~~' 

		//Return a text to be shown, with the id and the vals (values to replace the $.. in txt). Vals are given in the order it appears in the text ($0, $1...)
		function RDtxt(id, vals) {
			var Txt = RevertDiffParams.Texts[id];
			if (Txt) {
				if (Array.isArray(vals))
					for (var i = 0, l = vals.length; i < l; i++)
						Txt = Txt.split("$" + i.toString()).join(vals[i]); //replaceAll isn't currently supported enough
				return Txt;

		//Is the user sysop, bureaucrat... uses wgUserGroups to konw it.
		function userIs(group) {
			return (mw.config.get("wgUserGroups").indexOf(group) !== -1);

		//Simple function so as not to repeat a mw.notify().
		function Notify(text, type) {
			mw.notify(text, {title: "RevertDiff", type: (type === undefined ? "info" : type)});
		function NotifyFail(text) {//Adds a txt before the actual error message.
			mw.notify(RDtxt('OuchError') + text, {title: "RevertDiff", type: "error"});

		//Will update the max level available, depending on the type and if the user can block.
		function updateLevelList() {
			var TypeSelected = $("#sel-RD-type").val(), //Which Type of warn is selected
				$LevelNum = $("#num-RD-level")[0];

			if (TypeSelected.length > 0) {//We selected a warn
				var WarnMaxLvl = RevertDiffParams.AvailableWarns[TypeSelected].MaxLevel, //First what's the max lvl of the warn ?
						MaxLevel = userIs(RevertDiffParams.GroupBlock) ? WarnMaxLvl : (Math.min(WarnMaxLvl, RevertDiffParams.BlockFrom)); //Then we lower the max lvl to a non blocking lvl if the user can't block.
				$LevelNum.max = MaxLevel;

			$LevelNum.disabled = TypeSelected.length === 0; //Enable the field only if we've selected a type of warning.

		//Function that edits the page with title title using params, and call successCaalback on success (passing response in arg).
		//If there is a fail, call editFailed with the code for parameter.
		//Do not mess this with mw.Api.edit, as this last returns the current revisions to make edits on it, here we just send parameters.
		//And moreover Vikidia does not support mw.Api.edit (and not even mw.Api.newSection).
		function editPage(title, params, successCallback) {
			var Api = new mw.Api(),
				Settings = {
					action: "edit",
					format: "json",
					title: title
			Object.assign(Settings, params);
			Api.postWithToken('csrf', Settings).then(function (response) {//Let's go !
				//We're sure of a success only if this is like this. Sometimes it fails (for example with AbuseFilter) but it doesn't send an "error" object.
				if (response.edit.result === "Success") {
				} else {
					editFailed(response.edit.code);//If no success then fail.
			}).fail(function (code) {
				editFailed(code);//Same here

		//Restores, but ask and check a given reason.
		function restoreReason(oldId, user1) {
			var Reason = prompt(RDtxt("RestoreReasonPrompt"));
			if (Reason) //putting a summary is mandatory (if you wanted to put a custom one)
				restore(oldId, user1, Reason); // We then just call the main function.

		//Restores an older edit (oldId, made by user1) overriding all edits above, perhaps using a customReason.
		function restore(oldId, user1, customReason) {
			//If customReason is defined, then the user already "confirmed" by putting a summary.
			if (customReason === undefined && !confirm(RDtxt('RestoreConfirm', [user1])))

			Notify(RDtxt('Restoring'), "info");//So the users doesn't feel like waiting for nothing

			var Summary = (customReason ? customReason + ' - ' : "") + RDtxt('RestoreSummary', [user1]); //We always put the RestoreSummary but we may add a customReason.

			editPage(mw.config.get('wgPageName'), {
				undo: oldId, //Undo until oldId
				undoafter: mw.config.get('wgCurRevisionId'), //We need to tell mw from which edit to which edit we want to override
				summary: Summary
			}, function (response) {
				if (response.edit.nochange !== undefined)//Not very useful, just to be more precise.
					Notify(RDtxt('RestoreNoChange'), "info");
					Notify(RDtxt('RestoreGGNotif'), 'success');

				$("#span-RD-restore").text(RDtxt('RestoreGGBtn')); //No need of it anymore

				var PatrolLinkElt = $("#mw-diff-ntitle4 > .patrollink > a"); //Can we patrol = is the button-link "Mark as patrolled" present ?
				if (PatrolLinkElt.length === 1) {
					PatrolLinkElt[0].click();//The link already shows an animation and a notif when clicked.

		//Warns user, with a warn of type type, at a level of level, and has been triggered by the element triggerer.
		function warnUser(user, type, level, triggerer) {
			var WarnObj = RevertDiffParams.AvailableWarns[type];//First let's fetch our warn.

			if (!WarnObj) {//Uh oh
			var Msg = '{{subst:Averto|type=';//The template starts by this, always. There are a type and a "niveau" parameter.
			Msg += WarnObj.Type +
					'|niveau=' +
					level; //The mandatory is down

			if (WarnObj.Page === true || WarnObj.Page <= level) {//Do we want a Page argument ?
				Msg += '|page=' + mw.config.get('wgPageName');
			} else if ((WarnObj.UserTalkPage === true || WarnObj.UserTalkPage <= level) && //or a Page arguments that refers to a user talk page ?
					mw.config.get("wgNamespaceNumber") === 3) {//But are we on a User talk: namespace ? 
				Msg += '|page=' + mw.config.get('wgRelevantUserName');//Using the name of the user who owns the talk page.

			Msg += '}} ~~~~'; //We always finish by this.

			//If we need to block, we remind the user by adding an additionnal sucess msg.
			postMessage(Msg, WarnObj.Title, user, (level > RevertDiffParams.BlockFrom ? RDtxt('BlockReminder') : ''), triggerer);

		//Welcomes user, using a message for IPs if the user isIP, and has been triggered by the elt $triggerer.
		function welcomeUser(user, isIP, triggerer) {
			var Welcome = RevertDiffParams.Welcome;
			postMessage((isIP ? Welcome.MsgIP : Welcome.MsgUser), RevertDiffParams.Welcome.Title, user, null, triggerer);

		//Protection against accidental usages of posting system. A non sysop user cannot post more than MaxMsgNonInGroup message(s).
		function confirmPost(user) {
			var UserCanPost = userIs(RevertDiffParams.GroupNoLimitMsg) || (RevertDiffParams.MsgPosted < RevertDiffParams.MaxMsgNonInGroup);

			if (UserCanPost) {
				var ConfirmMsg = "";
				if (RevertDiffParams.MsgPosted > 0) {//Already posted a message = confirmation's mandatory
					ConfirmMsg = RDtxt("MsgAlreadyPost", [RevertDiffParams.MsgPosted, user]);
				} else { // Otherwise: basic confirmation message
					ConfirmMsg = RDtxt('WarnConfirm', [user]);

				return confirm(ConfirmMsg); //Asks for confirmation
			return false; //No way: the user can't post anymore

		//Posts to user a message, that contains msg and has for title title. Will add additionnalSuccessMsg to the success notif if it's set.
		//Triggered by elt $triggerer. 
		function postMessage(msg, title, user, additionnalSuccessMsg, triggerer) {
			if (!confirmPost(user))//Can the user post ?

			Notify(RDtxt('SendingMsg'), "info"); //Wait little user, be patient !

			editPage("User talk:" + user, {
				section: "new",
				sectiontitle: title,
				text: msg
			}, function () {
				switch (triggerer.nodeName) {//The action we do on the elt depends of what is it
					case "BUTTON": //We disable and change the txt
						triggerer.disabled = true;
						triggerer.textContent = RDtxt('MsgGG');

					case "FORM": //We reset it

				Notify(RDtxt('MsgGG') + (additionnalSuccessMsg ? ' ' + additionnalSuccessMsg : ''), 'success');
				RevertDiffParams.MsgPosted++;//To remind the user he already posted one !

		//Function to tell that an edit failed and gives a clue about why.
		function editFailed(code) {
			var Msg = "";
			switch (code) {
				case "abusefilter-disallowed":
				case "abusefilter-warning":
				case "undofailure":
				case "protectedpage":
					Msg = RDtxt("EditFail-" + code);

					Msg = RDtxt("EditFail-default") + (code ? (" " + RDtxt("EditFailErrCode") + code) : "");//If the code is defined then let's put it anyway.

			NotifyFail(RDtxt("ErrorEditFail") + " " + Msg);

		$(document).ready(function () { //Aight, let's init
			// Get username of submitter
			var User1TD = $('td.diff-otitle');
			var User2TD = $('td.diff-ntitle');

			if (!User2TD.length) {//Whoops
			} else if (!User1TD.length) {//"Fake" diffs (only one version)

			// Fetching the oldid
			var OldId = mw.util.getParamValue("oldid", User1TD.find(' a').attr('href')); //This is the link to edit the old version that we use ("(edit)" is displayed on the UI).

			var User1A = User1TD.find(''), //This time the link to the user page...
				User2A = User2TD.find(''),
				User1Name = User1A.text(), // Finnally the text
				User2Name = User2A.text(),
				RestoreHTML, MessagesHTML;//And let's init.

			//Can we edit the curr page ? This variable may do false-positive (that will be catched anyway by a nice failure notification) but no false negative.
			if (mw.config.get("wgIsProbablyEditable")) {
				RestoreHTML = '(<span id=span-RD-restore><button id=btn-RD-restore>' + RDtxt('Restore') + '</button>'//The span will permit the override of the button when we will finish the restoration.
						+ '-'
						+ '<button id=btn-RD-restore-sum>' + RDtxt('RestorePutReason') + '</button></span>)';//We can choose a custom reason or not.
			} else {
				RestoreHTML = "(" + RDtxt("NoRestore") + ")";//If we can't it's a little easier

			//We're not going to warn ourselves !
			if (mw.config.get("wgUserName") !== User2Name) {
				var WarnsHTML = '(' + RDtxt('Warn') + ' : ';//First warning the user

				//Showing a form to select any kind of warn we want that is usable in the template.
				//We've a "no selection" option to prevent miss-clicks (amongst with the "required" option on the select).
				WarnsHTML += '<form id=form-RD-warn><select id=sel-RD-type name=sel-RD-type required><option value="">---</option>';//Forms

				for (var Warn in RevertDiffParams.AvailableWarns)
					WarnsHTML += '<option value="' + Warn + '">' + RevertDiffParams.AvailableWarns[Warn].Type + '</option>';//Each of types available

				WarnsHTML += '</select> <input id=num-RD-level name=num-RD-level min=0 value=0 step=1 type=number disabled required /> ' + //the level selector (num)
						'<input type=submit id=sub-RD-warn value="' + RDtxt("WarnSubmit") + '" /></form>) ';//The submit btn

				WarnsHTML += '(' + RDtxt("WarnPredefined");//Now the predefined warns : 

				for (var id = 0, l = RevertDiffParams.PredefinedWarns.length; id < l; id++) {
					if (id !== 0)
						WarnsHTML += '-';//If we aren't at the end of the list add a separator.
					WarnsHTML += "<button id=btn-RD-predef-warn-" + id + ">" + RevertDiffParams.PredefinedWarns[id].Name + '</button>';//A nice btn.
				WarnsHTML += ')';//Finished with warns.

				//Welcoming the user.
				var WelcomeTxt = '(<button id=btn-RD-welcome>' + RDtxt('Welcome') + '</button>)';

				MessagesHTML = WarnsHTML + " " + WelcomeTxt;//Now we have our html for the messages.
			} else {
				MessagesHTML = '(' + RDtxt('ItsYou') + ')';//Not gonna warn myself.

			$("#contentSub").append("<div id=div-RD-main>" + RestoreHTML + " " + MessagesHTML + "</div>"); //Let's add ourself just below the title.

			//Now let's bind some events.
			if (mw.config.get("wgIsProbablyEditable")) //There is no btn if we can't edit.
				$("button[id^=btn-RD-restore]").on("click", function (e) {
					// If the id is btn-RD-restore-sum, we want to set a custom summarry.
					var Func = ( === "btn-RD-restore-sum" ? restoreReason : restore);//Which fn to use ?
					Func(OldId, User1Name);

			if (mw.config.get("wgUserName") !== User2Name) { //Same but it is because we don't warn ourselves.
				$("button[id^=btn-RD-predef-warn-]").on("click", function (e) { //Predefined warns
					var PredefinedWarn = RevertDiffParams.PredefinedWarns[, 21)];
					warnUser(User2Name, PredefinedWarn.Type, PredefinedWarn.Level,;

				$("#btn-RD-welcome").on("click", function (e) { //Welcome
					var IsIP = User2A.hasClass("mw-anonuserlink"); //Is the link for an IP ?
					welcomeUser(User2Name, IsIP,;

				$("#sel-RD-type").on("change", updateLevelList); //Change warn type = update the max lvl available

				$("#form-RD-warn").on("submit", function (e) {
					warnUser(User2Name, $("#sel-RD-type").val(), $("#num-RD-level").val(),;
					e.returnValue = false;//We don't reload the page here !

	}//End of testing if we can use RevertDiff
});//End of closure