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* This script adds a tab which allows a mass patrolling on the current page. Because it was pointless to mark as patrolled 10 intermediate versions when we can read the difference between the first and the last

var totalRevisions;
var treatedRevisions = 0;

if (mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') >= 0) {
  mw.loader.using( [ 'mediawiki.util', 'mediawiki.api', 'oojs-ui' ], function() {
    mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', 'javascript:markAllAsPatrolled()', 'Smart patrol', 'ca-smartpatrol' );
    //mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-views', 'javascript:markAllAsPatrolled()', 'Smart patrol', 'ca-smartpatrol2', 'Tout marquer comme relue', '', 'ca-history' );
  } );

function markAllAsPatrolled() {
  new OO.ui.confirm('Êtes-vous sur de vouloir marquer comme relue toutes les modifications ?').then( function( response ) {
    if ( response === true ) {
  } );

function getRevisionsList() {
  var api = new mw.Api();
  api.get( {
	'action': 'query',
	'format': 'json',
	'prop': 'revisions',
	'titles': mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ),
	'formatversion': '2',
	'rvprop': 'ids|user',
	'rvlimit': 'max'
  } ).then( function ( data ) {
    var revisions = data.query.pages[ 0 ].revisions;
    //var user = revisions[ 0 ].user;
    totalRevisions = revisions.length;
    revisions.forEach( function ( revision ) {
      //if ( user === revision.user ) {
        markRevAsPatrolled( revision.revid );
    } );

  } ).fail( function ( error ) {
      mw.notification.notify( 'Something went wrong: ' + error, { title: 'Smart Patrol', type: 'error' } );
  } );

function markRevAsPatrolled( revid ) {
  var api = new mw.Api();
  api.postWithToken( 'patrol', {
	'action': 'patrol',
	'revid': revid

  } ).then( function ( info ) {
    console.log( 'Success for ' + revid, { title: 'Smart Patrol', type: 'info' } );
    if ( totalRevisions == treatedRevisions ) { window.location.reload(); }

  } ).fail( function ( error ) {
    console.log( 'Something went wrong: ' + error, { title: 'Smart Patrol', type: 'error' } );
  } );