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Discussion utilisateur:Jillids

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Bonjour et bienvenue sur Vikidia, Jillids !
Je te remercie de t'être inscrit(e) sur Vikidia, projet d'encyclopédie libre écrite pour et (en partie) par les 8-13 ans, et espère que tu prendras intérêt à participer.

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Sur une page de discussion, n'oublie pas de signer tes messages en tapant ~~~~ . Par contre, on ne signe pas les articles ; leurs auteurs sont connus par l'historique.

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Si tu as d'autres questions, tu peux aller sur la page Bavardages ou bien me contacter. Enfin, le plus important, je te souhaite de prendre du plaisir à participer !

Quelques recommandations supplémentaires pour ceux qui arrivent de Wikipédia .

Welcome, Jillids. Thanks for your proposition. Content --Flodelaplage [Bla-bla] 18 juin 2009 à 15:35 (UTC)

You are welcom Content
Hello Jillids! I saw you asked Astirmays to create a Dutch Vikidia. Great project! I hope it will be done Clin d'œil! And thanks for having corrected some things on Vikidia:Over Content. Moipaulochon 28 août 2009 à 21:13 (UTC)
So you didn’t understand this email? Do you want me to translate it? If you do, just send it to me Clin d'œil. Moipaulochon 28 août 2009 à 22:35 (UTC)
Hi Jillids, thanks for your message. I would say that if it appears that you are a good team, and that you have a good project, I would be glad to let you open a dutch version on Vikidia.
About "good project", I think that you allready have it, (unless don't know it so well). I mean how you want the wiki to be, to live, to be organised, with which content by which people. I guess that compared to Wikikids, it is to run the wiki in a more wiki way, that's to say to let the community of user make more decisions, to aim a highter quality than on Wikikids. I don't know so well how you see the way to get new users, and which users you want to have/encourage : school pupils or not, adults of any age or not...
Then there is still other questions. I shared an e-mail with Sumuraï8, he can transmit it to you.
À bientôt ! Astirmays (d) 28 août 2009 à 22:46 (UTC)
hello, thank you guys for your message. I will been gone the hole day so respont now.
my goal is to set op a wiki where everone can deside about everthing and not only the sysops.
I think that the kinderwiki user would come here, the think that wikikids has bad things.
also a few good wikikids users want to go to a other host.
to make a wiki full live ,it's important to have no arguments. Kind regards jillis
How does it look right now, does the dutch vikidia come or not and is there anything i must do, answer questions or something ? Jillids 30 août 2009 à 09:59 (UTC)
Hi Jillis,
I understood that some of you (kinderwiki sysops) are waiting at least for the decision (if any) from the Wikikids project group, after their meeting on the 14th of september, before the decide to quit this wiki and revive kinderwiki.
If a majority of you want then to make a nl.vikidia, I would be glad to open it for you. By the way, you may want to wait that Vikidia will be owned by an association (not only by myself). Then we have to complete its creation, and we would have to check that the other members of this association also agree for nl.vikidia to be opened. You can be on Vikidia:IRC sometimes, or we will arrange a meeting on IRC before anyway. So we will decide on that together and quite soon. Astirmays (d) 30 août 2009 à 15:42 (UTC)